21 October 2012

Fix to install Nokogiri on bitnami EC2 instance

Dan Mayer
Dan Mayer @danmayer

Recently I set up a ec2 server, using the great Bitnami ruby stack. I used bitnami, because I wanted to avoid having to deal with a bunch of server setup just to play around with a box. It worked great, but for some reason, I couldn’t get the Nokogiri gem to install on the box. After trying many many solutions, I found this post on StackOverflow about installing nokogiri 1.5.2 on bitnami. This was exactly what I was looking for, so my solution came down to, running the following command, with all libs, etc explicitly passed in.

sudo gem install nokogiri -- --with-xml2-dir=/opt/bitnami/common --with-xslt-dir=/opt/bitnami/common --with-xml2-include=/opt/bitnami/common/include/libxml2 --with-xslt-include=/opt/bitnami/common/include --with-xml2-lib=/opt/bitnami/common/lib --with-xslt-lib=/opt/bitnami/common/lib

Thanks StackOverflow, and thanks Bitnami

